우리나라 해안오염 방제종료 의사결정절차의 고찰

A Study on the Decision Making Procedure of Clean-up Endpoints for Oiled Shorelines in Korea

  • Kim, Dong-Geun (Korea Institute of Maritime & Fisheries Technology) ;
  • Jeon, Hae-Jong (Korea Institute of Maritime & Fisheries Technology) ;
  • Kim, Jae-Dong (Institute of Marine Industry, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2012.09.11
  • 심사 : 2012.10.05
  • 발행 : 2012.10.31


Recently, many problems related on shoreline response to spill oil were exposed again on a occasion of M/T Hebei spirit accident even though the weakness on the shoreline response system has been brought up since M/T Sea Prince oil spill accident. Therefore the establishment of shoreline response system that best suits our country is needed through considering the response system of well-developed country. The socioeconomic conflict between the persons concerned on the clean-up endpoints can be sharpened in Korea because the frequency of coastal use of our country is too high compared to other countries. Thus procedural justification, that is, how the clean-up endpoints be established is more important than what type of clean-up endpoints be used. In the present paper, we attempted to suggest a new manner on the decision making system for clean-up endpoints that best suits our country. The decision making system for clean-up endpoints need to be divided into two steps, that is, set-up step of clean-up endpoints criteria and decision step of clean-up endpoints. The decision making organization of local governments play a key role in case of set-up step of clean-up endpoints criteria, while the response command headquarters under Korean coast guard and decision making organization of local governments codecide whether the clean-up endpoints criteria is fits or not.



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