부산시 동서교육 격차 지역의 초등학교 학부모의 만족도 및 인식 조사

A Investigate the Level of Elementary School Parents' Satisfaction and Recognition on the Education Gap Between the Eastern and Western Part of the Busan Metropolitan City

  • 투고 : 2012.09.02
  • 심사 : 2012.09.17
  • 발행 : 2012.10.31


This study investigates the level of elementary school parents' satisfaction and recognition on the education gap between the eastern and western part of the Busan Metropolitan City. The gist of the discussion centers on the equal educational opportunities of the schooling, non-schooling. To accomplish this research, we practice the questionaries about the education development in Busan to 234 parents who reside in the eastern and western part in Busan. The results of survey are as follows. First of all, there is a broad distinction between the two area about parents' attitude towards children. Second, the results of schooling satisfaction are higher in eastern Busan area. Third, the parents of eastern part also show their satisfaction of schooling support. The results indicate that nation and local government must develop the short and long range plan for students from low-income families.



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