Consilience of Engineering Refinements and Liberal Arts Education

공학소양과 인문교육의 통섭

  • Received : 2012.03.16
  • Accepted : 2012.04.08
  • Published : 2012.04.30


In this paper, we argue that for general education in engineering, humanistic education is important, thus we propose an illustration of course outline. Recent general education for engineering is focused on only more practical, socially oriented courses, for example, business, law, economics, and entrepreneurship. While these courses are helpful for engineering students, humanistic education is more fundamental for improving the students' capacity for insight, originality and constructing the holistic view. We propose a course "Philosophy of Time and Space" as an example which fit this purpose.



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  2. 홍성욱(2008). 홍성욱의 과학 에세이, 동아시아, 118.
  3. Bell, Daniel(2004). 교양교육의 개혁, (송미섭 옮김), 한국학술정보, 7.
  4. Carson, Rachel(2011). 침묵의 봄(김은령 역), 에코리브르.
  5. Jammer, Max(1993). Concepts of Space : The History of Theories of Space in Physics, 3rd cnlarged cd., Dover publication Inc. New York.
  6. Mackinnon, E.(1982). Scientific Explanation and Atomic Physics, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 221.
  7. Perry, John & Brahnan, Michael(1999). Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings, 3rd edited, Oxford University Press, New York Oxford, 1.
  8. Weber, Max(2010). "프로테스탄트 윤리와 자본주의 정신", 유사 나치즘의 눈으로 읽는 프로테스탄트 윤리와 자본주의 정신 (윤원근 편저), 신원출판사, 216.

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