Development of Learning Strategy e-Learning Contents based on the Storytelling

학습전략 이러닝 콘텐츠 개발 -스토리텔링을 중심으로-

  • Received : 2012.02.27
  • Accepted : 2012.03.25
  • Published : 2012.04.30


The purpose of this study was to develop the Learning Strategy e-Learning Contents based on the storytelling in university students. The objective of the Learning Strategy e-Learning Contents based on the storytelling was to increase in learning skill which university students will use to keep major learning during their courses. The Learning Strategy e-Learning Contents was based on the results of pre-research on storytelling and learning skill. In order to verify the effectiveness of the Learning Strategy e-Learning Contents based on the storytelling, it was analyzed to validity of contents by five professionals. The results of the study were as follows. The Learning Strategy e-Learning Contents based on the storytelling for increasing in learning skill of university students consisted of 15 sessions which proceeding a per semester: the starting phase(1-2), the execution phase(3-13), and the ending phase(14-15). The subjects were 20 university students who had randomly assigned to an experimental group(10) and a control group(10). Subjects completed a learning skill scale. Data analyses were conducted using ANCOVA. The results of the analyses revealed that subjects of experimental group showed significantly higher scores on learning skill than one of control group. Based on the above results, it is concluded that the Learning Strategy e-Learning Contents based on the storytelling was effective in improving learning skill of university students.



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