A Study on the Development of Core Competencies to Reinforce the Lifelong Education Instructors' Instructive Competencies

평생교육교수자의 교수역량 강화를 위한 핵심역량개발 연구

  • Received : 2012.02.20
  • Accepted : 2012.03.16
  • Published : 2012.04.30


The importance on the flow to the lifelong education system has been growing, as the eternal education is in a pivotal position according to the education system all over the world is changing rapidly. In particular, although consolidating instructor competencies for lifelong education have become the subject of conversation, there has not been any clear concept of lifelong education instructors nor of the competencies for those. So this research defined lifelong education instructors who work at various lifelong education facilities, especially those who focus on lectures, and the instructor competencies, and make analysis and deductions what types of competencies are necessary for effective and efficient teaching. For this, the researcher derived the concept of instructors and the instructor competencies for lifelong education through document analysis, and based on that, discovered the instructor competencies for lifelong education by experts review and survey. The result revealed that there were four types of instructor competencies for lifelong education, which were planning, managing, administrating, and supporting and encouraging students. There were searching needs of students, analyzing, and 13 other criteria for planning; managing human resources, materials management, and 7 other for managing; expertise in learning contents and 13 other for administrating; and giving feedback and 3 other for supporting and encouraging students.



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