Preliminary Studies Geared Towards Actual Conditions and Legal and Institutional Alternatives of Abandoned and Incomplete Buildings

미준공 방치건축물 실태분석 및 제도개선 연구

  • Received : 2011.11.07
  • Published : 2012.04.25


Departing from the overly development-skewed urban policies, nowadays, Korea has to tackle unprecedented social matters, primarily originating from dynamic changes of demographic structure and dampened real estate market. Confronted with low marketability and demand reduction, the number of the abandoned and incomplete buildings in Korea has shown ever-increasing trends and it is almost certain that the situation in the future would be worsened. These buildings have been regarded as the typical social stigma, exerting negative impact on the various social issues. That is, they have become the main target of criticism as they have strengthened negative images from the urban landscape perspectives, even threatening daily lives of citizens from the urban amenity and safety dimensions. After diagnosing physical and non-physical conditions as well as institutional arrangements related to the abandoned and incomplete buildings in Korea, this research presents major points derived from the interdisciplinary approaches including ownership surveys, statistical analyses, case studies, and interviews. From the legal and institutional aspects, it also provides a series of effective improvement alternatives geared towards prevention and rearrangement measures against the abandoned and incomplete buildings.



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