근골격계질환관련 주요 평가 도구 사용에 있어서의 초보평가자의 일관성 및 업종별 특성에 대한 연구

Study on Consistency of Novice User and Sensitivity of Industrial Types During MSDs Evaluation Using Major Checklists

  • 투고 : 2012.04.20
  • 심사 : 2012.06.11
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


The validity of the results from observational methods such as RULA, REBA, OWAS has been one of major concerns due to their subjective characteristics in determining the posture of interests. There have been many studies regarding validity of the results from each checklist. However, most studies provided only fragmentary rather than comprehensive results in nature. This study specifically tried to analyze consistency of novice user based on intra-observer consistency and sensitivity of industrial types during MSDs(Musculoskekltal Disorders) evaluation with major checklists. In this study, twenty two novice subjects were participated to conduct MSDs evaluation for the forty five jobs from three types of industries(automobile, electronics, hospital). The main results for this study were summarized as follows; 1) The action level based on RULA was always higher than that from REBA and OWAS for all three types of industries., 2) The order of consistency from novice users was OWAS(72.7%(kappa=0.57)) RULA(54.3%(kappa=0.41)), REBA(41.0%(kappa=0.34))., 3) The percentage of agreement between 2nd and 3rd trials was higher than those between 1st and 2nd trials and between 1st and 3rd trials irrespective of industrial types during using RULA and REBA., 4) The average score of automobile industry was higher than those of hospital and electronics industries., 5) The types of jobs associated with five body parts(A1(Front), A2(Interior), A3(Rear), A4(Lower), A5(Door)) in automobile industry showed statistically significant differences in terms of MSDs scores for the body parts considered in each checklists.



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