경량전철사업의 시스템엔지니어링 적용 실태분석 연구

A Study on the Analysis of SE Process Implementation for the Light Rail Transit Project

  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


This paper aims to analyze the result of SE Process Implementation on Light Rail Transit(LRT) Project. Currently the Light Rail Transit Project of Korea applies SE to the intermediate phase, that is, E&M phase which is a manufacturing and designing procedure. More seriously, the application effect of SE is not remarkable because it applies to some specific engineering fields like RAMS and it depends on superficial consulting of foreign companies with low SE support capability and investment capital. This study points out that the "Requirement Analysis" and "System Alternative Review" has not been conducted from the initial phase (basic plan and basic design) of the LRT projects. Several projects indicate that the amount of investments for SE activities through the Korea LRT project is relatively very small in comparison with the global capital which is about 10% of total project budget. Furthermore, Korea LRT projects have very few SE professionals and weak SE organization with no government directions and guide book for the efficient implementation of SE for the LRT projects.



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