In this research LCA methodology was adapted and analyzed in quantifying estimation of estuarine environment. The analysed objects of estuarine environment were construction methods, facility, and input material into water, and estuarine ecosystem. In this research the function of LCA of estuarine environment was river with the view of controling water, utilizing water, and hydrophilic function. According to the result of research, environmental damage indicator of facility was decreased 346 Pt from 453 Pt at pre-maintenance to 107 pt at post-maintenance. Among raw and subsidiary materials, remicon, stone-netting bag, and pebbles were showing heavy environmental load in the order. Evironmental impact of input material into water system was analyzed from 1,827 Pt environmental load before construction to 1,080 Pt of post-maintenance, and damage indicator was improved at 747 Pt. Water quality was improved from 1,827 Pt (before construction) to 1,080 Pt(after construction), and ecosystem was improved after maintenance. Environmental indicator in ecosystem was analyzed 427 Pt(before construction) to 348 Pt(after construction), and damage indicator of Sumnjingang riverine system was improved as much as 79 Pt. In the conclusion, estuarine environmental monitoring through LCA in the area of facility, input material into water and ecosystem showed that close-to-nature stream was 1,172 Pt better than artificial stream in environmental aspects.