Background: Cryosurgery was recently introduced as a treatment for varicose veins in the lower extremities. Cryosurgery with freezing probes can be used to remove the great saphenous vein (GSV) via an inguinal incision alone. The aim of this study was to assess early outcomes and the feasibility of cryosurgery for varicose veins. Materials and Methods: Forty patients were enrolled in the present study from March 2009 to July 2010. All patients underwent careful physical examinations, and their GSV reflux was demonstrated by duplex ultrasonography. Clinical severity was measured according to the clinical-etiology-anatomy-pathophysiology (CEAP) classification. The impaired GSVs were removed with rigid cryoprobes after freezing. Patients had follow-up appointments at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after surgery. Sclerotherapy was performed during follow-up on an outpatient basis as needed. Results: A total of 19 men and 21 women were enrolled. The mean follow-up duration was 3.4 months (range, 1 to 12 months). The clinical severity ranged from CEAP 2 to CEAP 6a. Thirty-eight patients underwent concomitant phlebectomy during surgery. No recurrences were reported during follow-up. There were three cases of minor complications. Two patients had paresthesia, and one had thrombophlebitis. Conclusion: Using cryosurgery techniques to treat varicose veins, the complication rates were minimal and outcomes were comparable to those of previous reports. This procedure is a safe and feasible treatment modality for varicose veins.