행복한 수업을 찾아가는 유아교사의 이야기

A Narrative Approach to Helping an Early Childhood Children Teacher Achieve Greater Happiness in their Classes

  • 서혜정 (제주한라대학교 유아교육과) ;
  • 변미영 (제주한라대학교 부설유치원)
  • 투고 : 2012.02.29
  • 심사 : 2012.05.31
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


This study is designed to positively transform a teacher's emotional state whilst teaching their classes and be able to create happier lessons for preschool children. To do this, a teacher needs to reflect upon current problems and take steps to deal with them. The data for this study was collected from participatory observation and in-depth interviews, making use of photos, a reflective teacher's journal and interview records from Mar. 28, 2011 through Oct. 7, 2011. The problems identified were, (1) teacher centered classes, (2) a daily routine filled with large group activities, (3) disruptive students, and (4) repetitiveness. The routes to greater classroom "happiness" are (1) rearranging seats, (2) "story sharing activities" in small groups, (3) making a separate "story sharing activity" area, (4) using small groups instead of large groups, (5) changing the daily routine. The role of the teacher in finding greater "happiness" are (1) meaningful, 'real observation', (2) discovering genuine change from small points, (3) power sharing, and (4) growing and developing with children.



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