• 투고 : 2012.03.26
  • 심사 : 2012.05.22
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


We present an analysis of the papers published in the journals Nature and Science in the years from 2006 to 2010. During this period, 7788 papers in total were published in the two journals. This includes 544 astronomy papers that correspond to 7.0% of the papers in 'all' research fields and 18.9% of those in the field of 'physical sciences'. The sub-fields of research of the astronomy papers are distributed, in a descending order of the number of papers, in Solar System, stellar astronomy, galaxies and the universe, the Milky Way Galaxy, and exoplanets. The observational facilities used for the studies are mainly ground-based telescopes (31.1%), spacecrafts (27.0%), and space telescopes (22.8%), while 16.0% of papers did not use any noticeable facilities and 1.7% used other facilities. Korean scientists have published 86 papers (33 in Nature and 53 in Science), which is 1.10% of all the papers (N = 7788) in the two journals. The share of papers by Korean astronomers among the scientific papers by Koreans is 8.14%, slightly higher than the contribution of astronomy papers (7.0%) in both journals.



  1. Abazajian, K. N., et al., 2009, The Seventh Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, ApJS, 182, 543
  2. Abt, H. A., 1998, Is the Astronomical Literature Still Expanding Exponentially?, PASP, 110, 210
  3. Abt, H. A., 2000, Astronomical Publications in the Near Future, PASP, 112, 1417
  4. Abt, H. A., 2010, Have We Reached a Maximum Astronomical Research Output?, PASP, 122, 955
  5. Ahn, S.-H., Park, B.-G., Kim, Y.-S., Chun, M.-Y., Kim, H.-I., Sung, H.-I., Lee, D.-W., & Kim, S. C., 2008, Estimated Productivity of the Giant Magellan Telescope, PKAS, 23, 123 (Erratum: 2010, PKAS, 25, 51)
  6. Apai, D., Lagerstrom, J., Reid, I. N., Levay, K. L., Fraser, E., Nota, A., & Henneken, E., 2010, Lessons from a High-Impact Observatory: The Hubble Space Telescope's Science Productivity between 1998 and 2008, PASP, 122, 808
  7. Benn, C. R. & Sanchez, S. F., 2001a, Scientific Impact of Large Telescopes, PASP, 113, 385
  8. Benn, C. & Sanchez, S., 2001b, Scientific Impact of Large Telescopes, ING Newsletter, 4, 15
  9. Crabtree, D. R. & Bryson, E. P., 2003, Observatory Publications and Citations, Library and Information Services in Astronomy IV (LISA IV), Emerging and Preserving: Providing Astronomical Information in the Digital Age, Eds. Brenda G. Corbin, Elizabeth P. Bryson, and Marek Wolf (Washington, DC: U. S. Naval Observatory), 199
  10. Crabtree, D., 2008, Scientific Productivity and Impact of Large Telescopes, SPIE, 7016, 70161A
  11. Davoust, E. & Schmadel, L. D., 1987, A Study of the Publishing Activity of Astronomers Since 1969, PASP, 99, 700
  12. Dietrich, J. P., 2008, The Importance of Being First: Position Dependent Citation Rates on arXiv:astro-ph, PASP, 120, 224
  13. Frogel, J. A., 2010, Astronomy's Greatest Hits: The 100 Most Cited Papers in Each Year of the First Decade of the 21st Century (2000-2009), PASP, 122, 1214
  14. Gal-Yam, A., et al., 2009, SN 2007bi as a Pair-Instability Explosion, Nature, 462, 624
  15. Gaudi, B. S., et al., 2008, Discovery of a Jupiter/Saturn Analog with Gravitational Microlensing, Science, 319, 927
  16. Grothkopf, U., Leibundgut, B., Macchetto, D., Madrid, J. P., & Leitherer, C., 2005, Comparison of Science Metrics Among Observatories, The Messenger, 119, 45
  17. Kamphuis, P. & van der Kruit, P. C., 2010, Citations and Impact of Dutch Astronomy, arXiv:1011.5311
  18. Kim, S. C., 2011, Paper Productivity of Ground-Based Large Optical Telescopes from 2000 to 2009, PASA, 28, 249
  19. Krause, O., et al., 2008, Tycho Brahe's 1572 SN as a Standard Type Ia as Revealed by Its Light-Echo Spectrum, Nature, 456, 617
  20. Lee, J.-W., Kang, Y.-W., Lee, J., & Lee, Y.-W., 2009, Enrichment by Supernovae in Globular Clusters with Multiple Populations, Nature, 462, 480
  21. Lee, M. G., Park, H. S., & Hwang, H. S., 2010, Detection of a Large-Scale Structure of Intracluster Globular Clusters in the Virgo Cluster, Science, 328, 334
  22. Leverington, D., 1996, The Cost-Effectiveness of Observational Astronomical Facilities Since 1958 - Part I: Effectiveness, Q. J. R. astr. Soc., 37, 643
  23. Leverington, D., 1997, Optical Telescopes - Biggest Best?, Nature, 385, 196
  24. Meylan, G., Madrid, J. P., & Macchetto, D., 2004, Hubble Space Telescope Science Metrics, PASP, 116, 790
  25. Pearce, F., 2004, Citation Measures: Citation Measures and Impact within Astronomy, Astronomy & Geophysics, 45b, 15
  26. Pimbblet, K. A., 2011, The h-index in Australian Astronomy, PASA, 28, 140
  27. Ringwald, F. A., Culver, J. M., Lovell, R. L., Kays, S. A., & Torres, Y. V., 2003, The Research Productivity of Small Telescopes and Space Telescopes, BAAS, 35, 1063
  28. Ryu, D., Kang, H., Cho, J., & Das, S., 2008, Turbulence and Magnetic Fields in the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe, Science, 320, 909
  29. Sanchez, S. F. & Benn, C. R., 2004, Impact of Astronomical Research from Different Countries, Astron. Nachr., 325, 445
  30. Schawinski, K., et al., 2006, Suppression of Star Formation in Early-Type Galaxies by Feedback from Supermassive Black Holes, Nature, 442, 888
  31. Schawinski, K., et al., 2008, Supernova Shock Breakout from a Red Supergiant, Science, 321, 223
  32. Schulman, E., French, J. C., Powell, A. L., Eichhorn, G., Kurtz, M. J., & Murray, S. S., 1997, Trends in Astronomical Publication between 1975 and 1996, PASP, 109, 1278
  33. Stanek, K. Z., 2008, How Long Should an Astronomical Paper Be to Increase Its Impact?, arXiv:0809.0692
  34. Stanek, K. Z., 2009, Are Astronomical Papers with More Authors Cited More?, arXiv:0912.1855
  35. Trimble, V., 1995, Papers and Citations Resulting from Data Collected at Large, American Optical Telescopes, PASP, 107, 977
  36. Trimble, V., 1996, Productivity and Impact of Large Optical Telescopes, Scientometrics, 36, 237
  37. Trimble, V., 2009, Telescopes in the Mirror of Scientometrics, Exp. Astron., 26, 133
  38. Trimble, V., Zaich, P., & Bosler, T., 2005, Productivity and Impact of Optical Telescopes, PASP, 117, 111
  39. Trimble, V. & Ceja, J. A., 2007, Productivity and Impact of Astronomical Facilities: A Statistical Study of Publications and Citations, Astron. Nachr., 328, 983
  40. Trimble, V. & Ceja, J. A., 2008, Productivity and Impact of Astronomical Facilities: Three Years of Publications and Citation Rates, Astron. Nachr., 329, 632
  41. Yoon, S.-J., Yi, S. K., & Lee, Y.-W., 2006, Explaining the Color Distributions of Globular Cluster Systems in Elliptical Galaxies, Science, 311, 1129