Effect of Dietary L-ascorbic Acid (L-AA) on Production Performance, Egg Quality Traits and Fertility in Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) at Low Ambient Temperature

  • Shit, N. (Avian Physiology and Reproduction Division, Central Avian Research Institute) ;
  • Singh, R.P. (Avian Physiology and Reproduction Division, Central Avian Research Institute) ;
  • Sastry, K.V.H. (Avian Physiology and Reproduction Division, Central Avian Research Institute) ;
  • Agarwal, R. (Avian Physiology and Reproduction Division, Central Avian Research Institute) ;
  • Singh, R. (Avian Physiology and Reproduction Division, Central Avian Research Institute) ;
  • Pandey, N.K. (Avian Physiology and Reproduction Division, Central Avian Research Institute) ;
  • Mohan, J. (Avian Physiology and Reproduction Division, Central Avian Research Institute)
  • 투고 : 2011.07.29
  • 심사 : 2011.10.28
  • 발행 : 2012.07.01


Environmental stress boosts the levels of stress hormones and accelerates energy expenditure which subsequently imbalance the body's homeostasis. L-ascorbic acid (L-AA) has been recognized to mitigate the negative impact of environmental stress on production performances in birds. The present investigation was carried out to elucidate the effect of different dietary levels of L-AA on production performance, egg quality traits and fertility in Japanese quail at low ambient temperature. Sixty matured females (15 wks) were equally divided into three groups (20/group) based on the different dietary levels of L-AA (0, 250 and 500 ppm) and coupled with an equal number of males (1:1) obtained from the same hatch. They were managed in uniform husbandry conditions without restriction of feed and water at 14 h photo-schedule. Except for feed efficiency, body weight change, feed consumption and hen-day egg production were recorded highest in 500 ppm L-AA supplemented groups. Among the all egg quality traits studied, only specific gravity, shell weight and thickness differed significantly (p<0.05) in the present study. Fertility was improved significantly ($p{\leq}0.01$) to a dose dependent manner of L-AA. The findings of the present study concluded that dietary L-AA can be a caring management practice at least in part to alleviate the adverse effect of cold induced stress on production performance in Japanese quail.



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