한국에서 발생한 청천난류 사례들에 대한 수치연구

A Numerical Study on Clear-Air Turbulence Events Occurred over South Korea

  • 투고 : 2012.04.24
  • 심사 : 2012.06.21
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


Generation mechanisms of the three moderate-or-greater (MOG)-level clear-air turbulence (CAT) encounters over South Korea are investigated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The cases are selected among the MOG-level CAT events occurred in Korea during 2002-2008 that are categorized into three different generation mechanisms (upper-level front and jet stream, anticyclonic flow, and mountain waves) in the previous study by Min et al. For the case at 0127 UTC 18 Jun 2003, strong vertical wind shear (0.025 $s^{-1}$) generates shearing instabilities below the enhanced upper-level jet core of the maximum wind speed exceeding 50 m $s^{-1}$, and it induces turbulence near the observed CAT event over mid Korea. For the case at 2330 UTC 22 Nov 2006, areas of the inertia instability represented by the negative absolute vorticity are formed in the anticyclonically sheared side of the jet stream, and turbulence is activated near the observed CAT event over southwest of Korea. For the case at 0450 UTC 16 Feb 2003, vertically propagating mountain waves locally trigger shearing instability (Ri < 0.25) near the area where the background Richardson number is sufficiently small (0.25 < Ri < 1), and it induces turbulence near the observed CAT over the Eastern mountainous region of South Korea.



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