NPS-WET 모형을 이용한 인공습지의 수질정화효과 분석

Analysis of Water-quality Improvement Efficiency of Constructed Wetland Using NPS-WET Model

  • 발행 : 2012.03.30


A combination system of catch canal and constructed wetland was designed and suggested to improve water quality in gagricultural region of lower Dong-jin river basin. In order to evaluate an water quality improvement efficiency of the designed combination system, the NPS-WET model was applied in this study. Simulation result of the NPS-WET shown that the nutrient load removal rate of constructed wetland was BOD, T-N, T-P and SS was 30.7~39.0%, 46~60%, 40.7~57.0% and 68.2~74.7%, respectively. Nutrients reduction of constructed wetland was higher in growing season than winter season because vital activity of microorganism, macrophyte and algae was augmented with high air and water temperature. Effluents from constructed wetland can affect water-quality of catch canal drains, especially, water-quality on junction point to Dong-jin river. Water-quality improvement in low-flowed catch canal (Un-san) was more significant than in high-flowed catch canal (Won-pyeong). In conclusion, a feasible design of constructed wetland is necessary to treat large quantity of receiving water. The NPS-WET is useful tool for assessing water-quality improvement efficiency using constructed wetland.



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