환경부 8일 유량.수질 자료를 이용한 SWAT 자동보정 모듈 개선 및 적용 평가

Enhancement and Application of SWAT Auto-Calibration using Korean Ministry of Environment 8-Day Interval Flow/Water Quality data

  • 강현우 (강원대학교 지역건설공학과) ;
  • 류지철 (강원대학교 지역건설공학과) ;
  • 강형식 (한국환경정책평가연구원) ;
  • 최재완 (국립환경과학원 수질총량연구과) ;
  • 문종필 (국립농업과학원) ;
  • 최중대 (강원대학교 지역건설공학과) ;
  • 임경재 (강원대학교 지역건설공학과)
  • Kang, Hyunwoo (Department of Regional Infrastructures Engineering, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Ryu, Jichul (Department of Regional Infrastructures Engineering, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Kang, Hyungsik (Korea Environment Institute) ;
  • Choi, Jaewan (National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Moon, Jongpil (National Academy of Agricultural Science) ;
  • Choi, Joongdae (Department of Regional Infrastructures Engineering, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Lim, Kyoung Jae (Department of Regional Infrastructures Engineering, Kangwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2012.03.30


Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model has been widely used in estimation of flow and water quality at various watersheds worldwide, and it has an auto-calibration tool that could calibrate the flow and water quality data automatically from thousands of simulations. However, only continuous measured day flow/water quality data could be used in the current SWAT auto-calibration tool. Therefore, 8-day interval flow and water quality data measured nationwide by Korean Ministry of Environment (MOE) could not be used in SWAT auto-calibration even though long-term flow and water quality data in the Korean Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) watersheds available. In this study, current SWAT auto-calibration was modified to calibrate flow and water quality using 8-day interval flow and water quality data. As a result of this study, the Nash and Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) values for flow estimation using auto-calibration are 0.77 (calibration period) and 0.68 (validation period), and NSE value for water quality (T-P load) estimation (using the 8-day interval water quality data) is 0.80. The enhanced SWAT auto-calibration could be used in the estimation of continuous flow and water quality data at the outlet of TMDL watersheds and ungaged point of watersheds. In the next study, the enhanced SWAT auto-calibration will be integrated with Web based Load Duration Curve (LDC) system, and it could be suggested as methods of appraisal of TMDL in South Korea.



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