충주호의 어류상과 유입하천의 생태건강성 평가

Fish Community and Stream Health Assessment in Lake Chungju and its Tributaries

  • 최명재 (어진이엔지 연구개발부) ;
  • 박혜경 (국립환경과학원 물환경연구부) ;
  • 윤석환 (국립환경과학원 한강물환경연구소) ;
  • 이장호 (국립환경과학원 환경자원연구부)
  • Choi, Myung-Jae (Research and Development Department, EojinENG Co.) ;
  • Park, Hae-Kyung (Water Environment Research Department, National Institute of Environment Research) ;
  • Yun, Seuk-Hwan (Han River Environmental Research Center, National Institute of Environment Research) ;
  • Lee, Jangho (Environmental Resources Research Department, National Institute of Environment Research)
  • 발행 : 2012.03.30


The fish community within the lake and 5 tributaries of Lake Chungju in spring and autumn, 2009 was surveyed. In this study, the total 128,506 individuals were collected belonging to 11 families 29 genera 34 species. The most dominant species was Squalidus japonicus coreanus that account for 91.6% of population and 49% of biomass of fish community. In the point of population, dominant species were small-sized species, which became the prey of big-sized predatory species. In the point of biomass, dominant species were predatory species which were large-sized. The most dominant species in lacustrine area was S. japonicus coreanus which accounted for 92.2% of total population and 49.1% of total biomass. The most dominant species of tributary streams was Tridentiger brevispinis which accounted for 66.4% of total population and 55.1% of total biomass. The site of C3 in lacustrine area and Dongdal-cheon in tributary streams collected the most number of species. Through ecological health evaluation of five tributary streams using 8 metric index of biological integrity (IBI) model, two streams (Dongdal-cheon, Kwang-cheon were evaluated as, "B", "good" condition, and Jangsung-cheon obtained grade C indicating "Fair" condition, Jecheon-cheon obtained grade D indicating "Poor" condition based on IBI model. Lepomis macrochirus which was designated as a domestic ecosystem-disturbing alien species with wide food niche have shown tendency to increase the number of individuals since 1991 indicating the adverse effect on not only fish community but also aquatic ecosystem food web of Lake Chungju.



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