인공습지의 형태에 따른 계절별 질소처리 특성 연구

A Study on Seasonal Nitrogen Treatment Characteristics according to Design of Constructed Wetland

  • 손영권 (건국대학교 환경과학과) ;
  • 윤춘경 (건국대학교 환경과학과) ;
  • 김준식 (건국대학교 환경과학과) ;
  • 김형중 (한국농어촌공사 농어촌연구원)
  • 발행 : 2012.01.30


The performance data for eight years from a free-surface-flow constructed wetland system receiving agricultural tailwater were used to analyze denitrification rate and nitrogen treatment characteristics according to season and wetland design. Seasonal difference between growing season (March~November) and winter season (December~February) was shown in the concentration of all nitrogen species. Seasonal nitrogen treatment has similar trend with temperature and measured denitrification rate. The highest denitrification rate was measured in July, but treatment efficiency was most higher in May and June. Nitrogen absorption of vegetation could affect to these wetland performances, therefore dense population of wetland vegetation might be helpful. According to design of wetland, at least 25~50 m of wetland length was needed to decrease effluent T-N concentration to background concentration in growing season. In winter season, wetland needed much longer distance to reduce T-N concentration. Mass removal rate was continuously high through whole year because runoff coefficient was low in winter season. Applicability of constructed wetland was observed for the total maximum daily load that control T-N load.



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