The Effects of Urban Land Use and Housing Form on Residents' Mental Health - Focusing on the Mental and Behavioral Disabilities Expense (F-code) in Jeonju-city

토지이용과 주택유형이 정신건강에 미치는 영향 연구 - 전주시 국민건강보험공단의 정신건강 진료비(F-code)를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2012.11.25


The purpose of the study is to identify land use characteristics which have influence on residents' mental health. Land use and housing types indicators including green areas and parks were selected by analyzing the related environment and health researches. Research database for every variable from 33 neighborhoods in Jeonju city were established through National Health Insurance Corporation, where is available for getting mental and behavioral disabilities (F code) expenses. The relation between those indexes and mental health were analysed. The findings of this study are as follows : First, the higher price area like apartments and raw houses the residents lived in, the more expenditure of F-code was paid. It could be interpreted by the relatively high frequency of medical treatment and interests on the health. Second, the more green area except park were there, the more F-code expenditure was given, which could be explicated with the spatial co-relation between location of green area and apartments of Jeonju city. It was very high, and apartment element's affect on the F-code was much more than the green zone. Third, the nearer to park were the residents, the less F-code expenses was paid.



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