An Analysis for the Changing Trends of Residential Environment Based on the Change of Residents in Rural Areas

농촌거주자의 특성변화에 따른 농촌주거환경의 변화경향 분석

  • Published : 2012.08.25


Both internally and externally environmental changes surround the rural areas such as rapid growth of the early-retired employee under the WTO, the Asian financial crisis in 1997, and the financial crisis in 2007 brought about much transformation in our rural residential environment. According to this changes and demands, the rural areas have been transformed from the area for farmer to the area for farmer and non farmer, that is, peoples that to leave the city to go back to farm or return to home village. Of this time, there needs a change in rural development policies which can make the urban residents migrate and settle in the rural areas as they are naturally embracing the rural life according to the social background and demand. In this point of view, we attempted, in this paper, to survey and analyze the changing trends of residential environment following the spatial composition with house types and rural villages in rural areas. The result of this study will be expected to be a reference for the direction of desirable residential environment in rural areas.



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