A Feasibility and Survey Study on the Hanok housing complex project within Seoul Metropolitan Area

수요자 설문조사 및 사업성분석을 통한 수도권 신도시 내 한옥단지 조성사업 타당성 검토

  • 김용수 (서울시립대학교 대학원 도시공학과)
  • Published : 2012.08.25


The purpose of this study was to set and analyze the feasibility and survey of the Hanok(The traditional Korean style house) housing complex project within Seoul metropolitan area. The results of this study were as follows. First of all, a survey was carried out to find out the optimum Hanok style. The survey showed that many people chose a frond and back yard garden as a merit of Hanok and pointed out the weak crime prevention as a weakness of Hanok. The optimum size for a Hanok was from $264m^2$ to $330m^2$ and living space was from $100m^2$ to $132m^2$. And people considered about 120% of what the apartment sells for as the reasonable price of a Hanok. Based on the survey, this study planned a Hanok housing complex on a lot that has competitive price and analysed the feasibility of the housing plan. The result was that Hanok's construction cost per $3.3m^2$ to be a marketable product has to be below about 6 million Won. As a result, the construction cost-saving through the advanced technology and planning to meet the changing customers' needs are needed to vitalize Hanok's supply.



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