A Study on Oral Health Behavior according to the Appearance of Smoking Experience in Some Middle School Students

일부 중학생의 흡연경험 여부에 따른 구강보건행동에 관한 연구

  • Lee, Hyun-Ok (Department of Dental Hygiene, Wonkwang Health Science University) ;
  • Song, Ji-Yeon (Department of Dental Hygiene, Wonkwang Health Science University)
  • 이현옥 (원광보건대학교 치위생과) ;
  • 송지연 (원광보건대학교 치위생과)
  • Published : 2012.10.31


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the smoking experience of some middle school students and their oral health behavior in an effort to provide information on how to teach students to abstain from smoking and improve their oral health behavior to maintain or promote their oral health. The subjects in this study were the students who were in their first, second and third years in four different middle schools located in the city of Iksan, North Jeolla Province. A survey was conducted from June 14 to July 12, 2011, and the collected data were analyzed. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. The students who smoked accounted for 10.6 percent. Out of them, the rates of the boys and the girls respectively stood at 16.0 and 5.4 percent (p<0.001). 2. As for the life satisfaction of the smoker students, 9.5 percent were satisfied, and 15.0 percent were unsatisfied (p<0.05). 3. Concerning a plan for quitting smoking, 71.4 percent of the boys and 45.5 percent of the girls planned to give up smoking (p<0.01). 4. Regarding the links between smoking experience and oral health behavior, the students who had smoking experience got 2.19 in the use of oral hygiene supplies, and the others who hadn't got 1.97 (p<0.01). 5. As to the connections between nicotine dependence and oral health behavior, the students who replied they depended on nicotine got 2.68 in education and concern, and those who answered they never did got 3.21 (p<0.05).

본 연구는 일부 중학생의 흡연경험여부에 따른 구강보건행동을 분석하여 흡연예방 및 바람직한 구강보건행동으로 구강건강을 유지 및 증진시킬 수 있는 자료를 제공하고자 2011년 6월 14일부터 7월 12일까지 전라북도 익산시에 위치한 4개 중학교의 1, 2, 3학년 학생을 대상으로 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 흡연 학생은 10.6%이었고, 이들 중 남학생이 16.0%, 여학생이 5.4%로 나타났다(p<0.001). 2. 흡연 학생 중 생활만족도는 '만족한다'가 9.5%, '불만족한다'가 15.0%로 나타났다(p<0.05). 3. 금연계획이 있는 학생은 남학생이 71.4%, 여학생이 45.5%로 나타났다(p<0.01). 4. 흡연유무에 따른 구강보건행동은 구강위생용품에서 흡연경험이 있는 학생이 2.19점, 흡연경험이 없는 학생이 1.97점으로 나타났다(p<0.01). 5. 니코틴의존도에 따른 구강보건행동은 교육과 관심에서 '그렇다'가 2.68점, '전혀 그렇지 않다'가 3.21점으로 나타났다(p<0.05).



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