Radiofrequency Ablation of Renal Tumors: Four-Year Follow-Up Results in 47 Patients

  • Kim, Soo Dong (Department of Urology, Dong-A University College of Medicine) ;
  • Yoon, Seong Guk (Department of Radiology, Dong-A University College of Medicine) ;
  • Sung, Gyung Tak (Department of Urology, Dong-A University College of Medicine)
  • Published : 2012.10.01


Objective: To retrospectively evaluate the intermediate results of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of small renal masses (SRMs). Materials and Methods: Percutaneous or laparoscopic RFA was performed on 48 renal tumors in 47 patients. The follow-up studies included a physical examination, chest radiography, creatinine level, and contrast-enhanced CT or MRI. To confirm the pathologic criteria of complete ablation, 35 patients underwent a follow-up biopsy. Recurrence was defined as contrast enhancement on imaging studies after 3 months, lesion growth at subsequent imaging, or viable cancer cells on follow-up biopsy. Results: Technical success was achieved in 43 (89.6%) of 48 renal tumors. The mean tumor size was 2.3 cm and the mean follow-up period was 49.6 months. Repeated RFA was necessary in 5 tumors due to incomplete ablation. The overall complication rate was 35.8%, of which 96.2% were mild complications. Serum creatinine levels at 12 months after RFA did not differ from those before RFA (1.28 vs. 1.36 mg/dL). Four patients were found to have recurrence at various follow-up intervals, and distant metastasis was not found in any cases. Conclusion: RFA appears to be a useful treatment for selected patients with SRMs. Our 4-year follow-up results disclose an excellent therapeutic outcome with RFA, while achieving effective local tumor control.



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