Coincident Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy and Coronary Artery Disease

Takotsubo 심근병증과 관상동맥 질환의 동시 발생 1예

  • Yun, Myung Ho (Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Carollo Hospital) ;
  • Choi, Seung (Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Carollo Hospital) ;
  • Park, Jae Young (Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Carollo Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Cheol Hwan (Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Carollo Hospital) ;
  • Beom, Jae Won (Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Carollo Hospital) ;
  • Park, Gun (Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Carollo Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Su Hyun (Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Carollo Hospital)
  • 윤명호 (순천 성가롤로병원 내과) ;
  • 최승 (순천 성가롤로병원 내과) ;
  • 박재영 (순천 성가롤로병원 내과) ;
  • 김철환 (순천 성가롤로병원 내과) ;
  • 범재원 (순천 성가롤로병원 내과) ;
  • 박건 (순천 성가롤로병원 내과) ;
  • 김수현 (순천 성가롤로병원 내과)
  • Published : 2012.12.01


Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is characterized clinically by transient left ventricular dysfunction in patients with normal coronary angiography findings. We report a case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy with significant stenosis on coronary angiography. A 71-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital in a drowsy mental state. She was suspected to have diabetic ketoacidosis, but cardiac enzyme levels and electrocardiogram results were typical of myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography revealed occlusion of the distal right coronary artery. Echocardiography and left ventriculography revealed reduced left ventricular function with apical ballooning. However, coronary artery stenosis did not explain the severe reduction in left ventricular function. After 11 days, her left ventricular function and electrocardiogram results had returned to normal. Therefore, coronary artery disease does not rule out the presence of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

저자들은 급성 심근 경색증을 의심할 수 있는 심전도를 보이는 환자에서 이전의 보고들과는 달리 관상동맥 질환과 Takotsubo 심근병증이 동시에 발생한 환자를 경험하였고 이를 치료하였기에 보고하는 바이다.



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