Implementation of big web logs analyzer in estimating preferences for web contents

웹 컨텐츠 선호도 측정을 위한 대용량 웹로그 분석기 구현

  • 최은정 (서울여자대학교 교양교육부) ;
  • 김명주 (서울여자대학교 정보미디어대학)
  • Published : 2012.12.30


With the rapid growth of internet infrastructure, World Wide Web is evolving recently into various services such as cloud computing, social network services. It simply go beyond the sharing of information. It started to provide new services such as E-business, remote control or management, providing virtual services, and recently it is evolving into new services such as cloud computing and social network services. These kinds of communications through World Wide Web have been interested in and have developed user-centric customized services rather than providing provider-centric informations. In these environments, it is very important to check and analyze the user requests to a website. Especially, estimating user preferences is most important. For these reasons, analyzing web logs is being done, however, it has limitations that the most of data to analyze are based on page unit statistics. Therefore, it is not enough to evaluate user preferences only by statistics of specific page. Because recent main contents of web page design are being made of media files such as image files, and of dynamic pages utilizing the techniques of CSS, Div, iFrame etc. In this paper, large log analyzer was designed and executed to analyze web server log to estimate web contents preferences of users. With mapreduce which is based on Hadoop, large logs were analyzed and web contents preferences of media files such as image files, sounds and videos were estimated.



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