신도시 U-City 서비스 표준화 방법론에 관한 연구

A Study on the Methodology of U-City Services Standardization

  • 이상훈 (한국 토지주택공사 토지주택연구원) ;
  • 양동석 (한국 토지주택공사 토지주택연구원)
  • 발행 : 2012.12.30


U-City means the high-tech city that applied ubiquitous technology and information communication technology. U-City aims to intensify urban competitiveness and to improve the quality of residents' life through efficient management of the urban. Currently, 77 U-City projects is underway. The each project cost and scale estimate is not clear in the absence of the U-Service Standardization Model. So, many of the project are trouble about making a production the proper number of U-Service or the cost of project. The excessive service construction is reflected on the construction costs, which leads to the rise of sales price and passes onto the executor of a project as a burden of the project costs, and the problem of the delay of the change-over occurs due to supporting the operation costs for the operation of the constructed service and the demand for additional installation of facilities between a local autonomous entity and the executor of a project. In this paper, we suggested the U-Services Construction Standardization Methods and proposed the standardization services guideline of crime prevention services. U-City services in the future are able to maintain the consistency of the system through the utilization of the proposed standard model. As a result, the U-City project's pre-estimated cost and scale can be extracted.



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