공차율을 고려한 유연한 수입곡물 화물차운영이 물류비용에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

A Study on the Effects of Flexible Operation of Imported Grain Transportation Vehicles on Logistics Costs by Considering Empty Transfer Rates

  • 김병찬 (서일대학교 산업시스템경영과) ;
  • 양대용 (수원과학대학교 산업경영과)
  • 발행 : 2012.12.30


This study analyzed regular transportation costs between port warehouses and processing plants and between processing plants and central distribution centers and further transportation costs relations according to empty transfer rates in each circulation by examining the distribution routes of imported grain including wheat, barley, corn, and soybean, namely port warehouses, processing plants, and central distribution centers. Based on the results, the study compared and reviewed the logistics transportation costs. The analysis results of the alternative model show that logistics operational costs could be considerably cut down by introducing a flexible vehicle transportation operational method, which is to change the vehicle loading parts for proper substitute transportation after unloading and transport them to other locations such as central distribution centers instead of returning empty, as an alternative to high operational costs deriving from empty vehicle operation in each circulation after unloading items in case of transportation of imported grain and processed items. The results allow for a more realistic approach to general problems with large-scale distribution network operation and provide a theoretical foundation to serve as a guide to establish policies for corporate operation of imported grain logistics systems.



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