EA성숙도가 정보화관리 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

The Effect of EAMaturity on Information Management and Performance

  • 이동욱 (넥스젠엔씨지(주)) ;
  • 전성현 (국민대학교 경영대학 경영정보학부) ;
  • 박찬욱 (한국마사회 경영평가팀)
  • 투고 : 2011.09.20
  • 심사 : 2011.12.16
  • 발행 : 2012.03.31


This study was carried out to figure out the relationship between EAmaturity, information management capacity, and information performance, and find the effect between these variables and the reciprocal causation. The study found that EAmaturity has a positive effect on information resource management and performance. In other words, the effect of input, calculation, management and utilization factors on information planning in EAmaturity showed that calculation, management and utilization factors have a significant effect on the information planning. While the effect of input, calculation, management and utilization factors on information introduction and management showed that only both calculation and utilization have a significant effect on the information management factor. It says that EAinput in EAmaturity does not play a big part in the planning stage, as well as not go through a series of process that is connected to the maturity stage by immediate field application. Consequently, EAmaturity varies from the level that EAcreates introduction and performance according to organization. This suggests that the maturity and performance can be also changed by the level that EAcreates information performance by accepting and using this capability within organization as well as the capability to introduce and fully perform the EAsystem presented in enterprise architecture framework of public sector.



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