Theoretical Study on Polymerization of Oxepane High Explosives

  • Received : 2012.07.19
  • Accepted : 2012.09.25
  • Published : 2012.09.30


Oxepane high explosives substituted to explosive group such as azido, nitrato and hydrazino are investigated theoretically the acid catalyzed reaction using the semiempirical MINDO/3, MNDO and AM1 methods to use as the guidelines of high explosives. The nucleophilicity and basicity of oxepane high explosives can be explained by the value of negative charge on oxygen atom of oxepane and the reactivity in propagation step can be represented by the value of positive charge on carbon atom and low electrophile LUMO energy. It was known that carbenium ion was favorable due to the stable energy (19.507~32.101 Kcal/mol) between oxonium ion and carbenium ion in the process of cyclic oxonium ion of oxepane high explosives being converted to open carbenium ion in oxepane high explosives. The value of concentration of cyclic oxonium ion and open carbenium ion in equilibrium status was found to be a major determinant of mechanism, it was expected to react faster in the prepolymer propagation step in SN1 mechanism than in that of $S_N2$.



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Cited by

  1. A Study on Polymerization of Oxocane High Explosives vol.7, pp.4, 2014,