A Study on the Establishment of New Town Competitiveness Model

신도시의 경쟁력 모형 설정에 관한 연구

  • 김동윤 (안양대학교 스마트도시공간연구소)
  • Received : 2012.05.14
  • Accepted : 2012.06.01
  • Published : 2012.06.25


This study aims at understanding both the mechanism of new town's competitiveness and its normative pursuit. For the purpose the study steps as follows; (1) Defining operationally cities' competitive power by means of analytic interpretation of substantial nature involved in the preceding studies, (2) Finding some lessons for the desirable development suggested from the history of new town construction in England, France and Japan, where the spatial needs for solving urban problems were exploded after the Second World War, (3) Focusing to agendas regarding development, for example, sustainable development, (4) Recognizing differences between competitiveness of cities and that of new towns and finally (5) Building the model of new town competitiveness, which explains what makes the competitiveness and what kind of effort are necessary for acquiring the advantage. As the result of the process this study concludes that the competitiveness is caused by, or composed of 4 factors. They are Self-sufficiency, Identity, Innovativeness and Sustainability. This frame can be named SIIS-model of new town competitiveness. But there should be contingent and elastic approach in adaptation of these factors to a specific new town, considering its own goal, scale and other situation. The model established in this study is expected to be a analytical frame for the follow-up studies on finding problems and seeking directions of new town development in our country.



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