장애물 없는 생활환경 인증 사례를 통한 매개시설 평가항목 분석

A Study on the Medium Facilities in Barrier-Free Certification Evaluation Items

  • 투고 : 2012.03.31
  • 심사 : 2012.04.13
  • 발행 : 2012.05.31


This study purposes to present the improvement on the index by analyzing concretely the certification and evaluation index and the actual certification acquisition focusing on the buildings acquiring the barrier-free (BF) certification. So, after analyzing the screening results of the buildings acquiring the BF certification and then grasping the general application level based on the above analysis, this study tries to present the improvement on the BF certification index by analyzing the detailed applications of the BF certification-acquired buildings and then grasping the problems on the evaluation index of the current certification system. It was analyzed that the items which applied the BF construction method generalized to the common buildings through the Act on the Promotion of Convenience in medium facilities and the items with higher distribution points were shown as high in terms of points and the acquired point level of items which influenced by the shape and condition of side and land to defile the appearance of buildings were low.



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