5-Lipoxygenase에 의한 성숙 파골세포의 조절

The Regulatory Role of 5-Lipoxygenase in Mature Osteoclasts

  • Noh, A Long Sae Mi (College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Moon, Miran (College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Jeong, Ji-Eun (College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Yim, Mijung (College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 투고 : 2012.09.01
  • 심사 : 2012.09.10
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


5-Lipoxygenase (5-LO) catalyzes the formation of two major groups of leukotrienes, LTB4 and cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLT), and it has been implicated as a promising drug target to treat various inflammatory diseases. Since its role in mature osteoclasts (mOCs) had not been reported, we investigated the effect of 5-LO inhibitors on mOCs. We showed that 5-LO inhibitors dose-dependently decreases the number of mOCs. The effects of 5-LO inhibitors were reversible, suggesting that they did not cause any cellular damages in mOCs. We further demonstrated that the suppression of mOCs by 5-LO inhibitors was caused mainly by disruption of the actin ring formation. Similar effects were shown with CysLT receptor (CysLTR)1 antagonist in mOCs. The mRNA expression of CysLTR1 and the production of CysLT were increased in mOCs. These results indicate that CysLTR1 mediates the suppression of mOCs by 5-LO inhibitors. Taken together, this study demonstrated that 5-LO plays important role in mOCs and possibly a novel therapeutic target for bone resorption diseases.



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