현실과 반영 : 1970년대 사회-문화적 네트워크로서의 프랑스 건축전문지

Reality and Reflection: French Architectural Journals in the 1970s as sociocultural network

  • 투고 : 2011.08.15
  • 심사 : 2012.02.16
  • 발행 : 2012.02.29


This research aims to demonstrate the sociocultural significance of architectural journals produced in the 1970s during which a fundamental reconsideration of architectural discipline has been made. To this end, we established a method of analysis adapted to the characteristics of architectural journals of that period. In this formulation, the relative autonomy of architectural journal with regard to various actors and institutions involved in its production emerged as a major criterion for the analysis of a journal. From this methodological reflection, we analyzed two French architectural journals, AMC published between 1973 and 1981 and l'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui between 1974 and 1977, which were produced both in close relation with parisian architectural schools (UPA) in the context of reestablishment of architectural education and beginning of architectural research in France after the events of May 1968. If these journals reflected and strengthened the architectural reality and especially the social network of their protagonists, it is equally important to note that they have transformed it into cultural network, and this by the mechanism proper to their preparation and their textual organization.



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