Quality Characteristic of Low Salted Yacon Jangachi Using Soybean Sauce

간장을 이용한 저염 야콘 장아찌의 품질특성

  • Shim, Ki-Hoon (Dept. of Food & Cooking Science, Sunchon National University)
  • 심기훈 (순천대학교 생명산업과학대학 조리과학과)
  • Received : 2012.03.02
  • Accepted : 2012.03.27
  • Published : 2012.03.30


To evaluate the possibility of low-salinity of traditional fermented food, we investigated quality characteristic of low-salted Yacon Jangachi using soybean sauce with sugar or vinegar for 50 days. Sugar content, titration acidity, and salinity of all Yacon Jangachi was increased as storage time increased. All of the Yacon Jangachi had less than 3.0% salinity. Especially, the salinity of the Yacon Jangachi with sugar and vinegar was the lowest during storage time. The L value was decreased as storage time increased but the results of the a and b values were reversed. Cutting force was not significant among samples and storage periods. In the results of sensory evaluation, preference of all samples were increased as storage time increased. The preference of color was not significant among samples from 30 days but the taste was reversed. The preference of flavor was significant between samples in 40 days, texture was not significant during storage time. Overall preference was not significant after 30 days, which suggested that Yacon Jangachi using soybean sauce retains overall preference in steady level from 30 days. Yacon Jangachi using soybean sauce showed the highest preference when produced with sugar and vinegar.



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