수지 뜸요법과 압봉 자극법이 재가노인의 변비 완화에 미치는 효과

Effects of Hands Moxibustion Therapy and Hand Press Pellet on Decreasing Constipation among Homebound Elders

  • 투고 : 2011.08.16
  • 심사 : 2012.03.08
  • 발행 : 2012.04.30


Purpose: This study was conducted to contribute on nursing practice for elderly people by identifying the effects of hand moxibustion and hand press pellet therapy on the alleviation of constipation. Methods: The data were collected from October to November, 2009, and the subjects included 39 elders (experimental group: 20, control group: 19) from a senior citizens center in B City who reported constipation. Experimental group received an intervention of hand moxibustion and hand press pellet therapy three times a week for six weeks (total: 18 times). Data about the number of defecations per week and constipation degree scores were collected one week after each treatment. Results: 1. The number of defecation in the experimental group were different from that of the control group (F=228.26, $p$ <.001). 2. The degree of reported constipation in the experimental group differed from the control group (F=170.59, $p$ <.001). Conclusion: Hand moxibustion and hand press pellet therapy was shown to be effective in alleviating the constipation of elderly people by increasing the number of defecation per week and reducing the constipation degree scores. These two interventions can thus be used for alleviating the constipation of elderly people, replacing the stool softener and enema.



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