다리기형(ALD)은 다리가 정중선에서 벗어나 측면으로 회전변형 된 것을 의미하고 망아지에 흔한 선천적 결손이다. 30일령의 Thoroughbred 망아지가 한국마사회 제주목장 동물병원으로 내원하였다. 방사선 검사에서 양 앞다리가 각각 외측으로 변형되었고 오른앞다리가 왼앞다리보다 심하게 회전된 것을 확인하여 단일나사고정술과 골막박리술을 이용하여 교정수술을 하였다. 40일 후 나사를 제거하였고 술부의 섬유화 및 과잉교정 등 합병증이 없이 바르게 교정되었다. 이 결과로 국내 신생망아지에 isoflurane을 이용한 흡입마취에서 단일나사고정술과 골막박리술은 안전하고 효과적인 수술임을 확인하였다.
Angular limb deformities (ALD) are common in foals. A 30-days-old Thoroughbred foal was presented for the evaluation of severe ALD of the both forelimbs. On radiographic examination, both distal radiuses were diagnosed as valgus angular limb deformities. But the degree of deviation of right forelimb was so severe that we tried to correct one after the other. We tried new surgical correction method combination of one screw implant on medial aspect for growth retardation and periosteal transection on lateral aspect of the right forelimb. 40 days later, successfully corrected and then removed the screw. After the right forelimb correction, the periosteal transection on left forelimb was performed. We did the inhalation anesthesia using isoflurane. There were no complications such as fibrosis over the screw heads, and overcorrection that produces an opposing deformity identified. These results suggest that combination of one screw implant and periosteal transection technique is able to be a safe and effective method to correct severe ALD in the foal.