A 12-year-old castrated male Shih-tzu dog presented with vomiting, anorexia, and weight loss. The patient's medical history and hematological, radiographic, ultrasonographic, and endoscopic findings were used for diagnosis. The patient's medical history showed that he was being treated for chronic kidney disease since a few weeks. The serum biochemical analysis showed moderate azotemia. However, abdominal radiographic and ultrasonographic findings showed the presence of a mass in the pylorus area of the stomach. On gastrointestinal endoscopic examination, the proliferative mass was found in the pyloric antrum. The histopathological results of the endoscopic biopsy specimen indicated that it was strongly suspected a gastric adenoma; therefore, we surgically excised the pyloric outflow region via a Y-U pyloroplasty. The histopathological examination of the surgically excised specimen also indicated that the mass was a gastric adenoma. After surgical treatment, the patient's condition improved gradually, and the clinical symptoms diminished in approximately 3 weeks after surgery. The patient's condition was well controlled until recently, i.e., 18 months after surgery. This case report describes the clinical findings, imaging characteristics, endoscopic findings, and histopathological features of a gastric adenoma in the pyloric outflow tract of a dog.
12살의 중성화된 수컷 시츄견이 구토, 식욕부전, 체중감소의 증상으로 내원하였다. 병력청취, 혈액검사, 방사선검사, 초음파검사, 내시경검사가 진단을 위해 시행되었다. 병력청취에 따르면, 환자는 몇 주 전부터 만성신부전증 치료를 받고 있었다. 혈청화학검사에서 환자는 고질소혈증을 보였고 복부 방사선검사와 초음파검사에서 위의 유문부 종괴를 확인하였다. 위 내시경 검사에서는 유문방의 증식성 종괴가 관찰되었다. 내시경적 생검 후 조직병리학적 검사결과는 위선종이였고 이 결과에 따라 수술적 처치(유문 배출부위의 절제와 Y-U 유문성형술)를 실시하였다. 수술 후 두번째 조직병리학적 검사결과 또한 위선종이였다. 술 후, 환자는 점차 호전되었고, 임상증상은 술 후 3주 후 사라졌다. 환자의 상태는 현재까지 잘 유지되고 있다.