This paper has been studied to evaluate the program educational objectives (PEO) for mechanical engineering program at Chosun University. The program educational objectives were set up the educational goals with relationof college educational objectives and ability or quality of engineers after 3 years of graduation, and educated the basic competance of engineers are the equipments of high-level education enviroments, faculty and curriculum for effective engineering educations. This paper were to announce PEO to current students, to establish and to improve PEO throughout accesment and analysis of PEO evaluation. The improvement and documentation of PEO accesement system, collecton and analysis of PEO were conducted industial surveys for engineers graduated this program. The results are served as a substantial basis for setting furture educational goals, renewed PEO by the closed loop and making decision for quality of engineering education in the college of engineering. This study would be comfined measurements, analysis and achievements of PEO for graduated engineers in this program.