Comparison of Personalized Ad Methods on the Internet and Smart Phone Platforms

인터넷과 스마트폰 환경에서의 개인화된 광고 방법론의 비교 분석

  • Kim, Jun San (College of Business, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Lee, Jae Kyu (College of Business, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Received : 2012.09.19
  • Accepted : 2012.12.10
  • Published : 2012.12.31


As the smart phone is propagating rapidly, the importance of mobile advertisement has also grown. One of the main characteristics of the Internet and smart phone advertising is that they can deliver personalized advertisements to each customer. The smart phone enables the identification of additional personalized information such as the customer's location and the accessibility to the site at any place any time. As the Internet platform becomes richer, firms that offer the ad services via the wired PC Internet and wireless smart phone are seeking various types of personalized ads. However, their service platform and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platform should be suitable to the characteristics of personalized ads. This research explores various types of personalized ad methods and evaluates their adequacy encompassing four types of ad service platforms (such as search portal, news portal, e-mall servers, and SNS) and two types of ICT platforms (PC Internet and smart phone). To this end, we classified the personalized ads into seven types: three basic types and four composite types. The basic types of ad methods are identified by considering the current activity that the customer is engaged, the individual profile and log history, and the customer's current location or planning location. Four composite types of ad methods are constructed as the combination of these basic types. For those types of ad methods, we evaluate whether each ad method adequately maps with four types of ad service platforms and two types of ICT platforms. We proposed a metric of evaluation and demonstrated the concept with illustrative numbers. Specifically, we analyze and compare personalized ad methods in three ways. Firstly, the possibility of implementing a personalized ad method on the platform is analyzed to confirm the degree of suitability. Secondly, the value of personalized ad method is analyzed based on the customer accessibility. Lastly, expected effectiveness for each personalized ad method is computed by multiplying the possibility and the value. Through this kind of analysis, the ad service providers as well as advertising companies can evaluate what kinds of personalized ad methods and platforms are possible and suitable to maximize their ad effectiveness on the Internet and smart phone platforms.
