개항 이후 일본불교의 침투에 따른 사원의 건립과 건축특성 개관

A Review of the Infiltration of Japanese Buddhism and Construction Characteristics of Temples since the Opening of Ports

  • 투고 : 2012.02.15
  • 심사 : 2012.04.30
  • 발행 : 2012.04.30


This study aims to overview and review the infiltration of Japanese Buddhism and it's influences on the construction and architectural characteristics of Japanese Buddhist temple from the opening of ports to Independence Day of Korea. Infiltration of Japanese Buddhism had been sustained during 70 years from the foundation of Higashi Hongan-ji Temple(東本願寺) in Pusan, by Shinshu Otani School(眞宗 大谷派) which was one of Japanese Buddhism, to Independence Day of Korea. This study is to be promoted on the following subjects ; 1) the circumstance around the infiltration of Japanese Buddhism 2) Buddhism policy of Japanese Governor and infiltration on Korean Buddhism 3) increasing trend, distribution and construction of Japanese Buddhist temples near downtown areas 4) for the conclusion, case research on Bondang, Gori, and open space and analysis on the architecture style of Japanese Buddhist temples. Accordingly, Korean Buddhism had been subordinated to Japanese Buddhism, and the management system and memorial service of Korean Buddhism had to be affected by Japanese Buddhism. This study is considered meaningful for the elementary research to examine the aspects of Japanese style on Korean Buddhist architecture at that time.



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