Korean Guidelines for Breast-fed Infants for Vitamin D Supplements

모유수유아의 비타민 D 섭취에 대한 한국형 가이드라인 제안

  • Received : 2012.01.31
  • Accepted : 2012.02.17
  • Published : 2012.02.28


Objectives Recently, vitamin D supplements to breast-fed infants are being encouraged in Korea, and other countries. However, the reliability and validity assessment of supplements is insufficient. Therefore, this study suggests new Korean guidelines for vitamin D supplements of breast-fed infant. Methods The roles of Vitamin D for bone metabolism in children and the correlation between breast milk and Vitamin D were examined throughout domestic and international literature review. In addition, the efficacy and safety of vitamin D supplements were reviewed. Results Preventive effects of rickets by vitamin D supplementation remain unclear. Furthermore, concerns about the safety of vitamin D supplements intake have been raised. Korean guideline suggests breast-fed infants can get vitamin D through the skin safely, but maternal intake of vitamins through sunbath and diet is more effective and safe. Conclusions Limiting sunlight excessively and applying foreign countries' medical guideline for vitamin D supplements are not valid to apply as a domestic guideline for Korean breast-fed infants without considering ethnic and cultural characteristics.



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