Cross Domain Solution 소개, 실태조사 및 구현방안

  • 발행 : 2012.02.29


본 연구보고서는 우리 국방환경에 적합한 CDS(Cross Domain Solution) 개발계획에 이론적 기저를 제공하기 위해 CDS 개념소개, 개발실태 조사, 교차영역(Cross domain)간 정보공유패턴 연구, 미래 웹 환경 및 네트워크 중심환경에 적합한 솔루션 연구결과를 제시하며, CDS 개발을 지원하는 상용 프레임워크 소개와 더불어 인증 및 인정 프로세스에 관해 설명한다.



  1. Brian Hubbard, Cross Domain Solutions: Operationalizing of MutiLevel Security aka. Guarding Solutions, 18th ACSAC, Booz Allen Hamilton, December 2002.
  2. Hayden, Michael V., "Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS)", CNSS Instruction No. 4009, May 2003 .
  3. Chad Sellers, Karl MacMillan, Spencer Shimko, Frank Mayer, and Art Wilson, Lessons Learned Developing Cross Domain Solutions on SELinux, 2006 SELinux Symposium, Tresys Technology.
  4. Scott Thomas, Collaboration without Boundaries: Cross-Domain Solutions for Network-Centric Operations, A Trident Systems White Paper, Trident Systems, July 2009.
  5. Van Vleck, Tom. "The History of Electronic Mail." Multics(Multiplexed Information & Computing Service), 2001., Retrieved June 2009.
  6. Minnesota Department of Administration, Features and Benefits of Spam and Anti-Virus Filtering, August 2004.
  7. Kyle D.Dent, "A Secure and Easy-to-use MT A for Unix Postfix-The Definitive Guide", pp. 174-181, O'REILLY, 2004. Filtering Facts, and last modified on October 2009.
  8. Dr. Nancy Reed etc., "Security Guards for the Future Web", Final Project Report, MITRE TECHNICAL REPORT 04W0000092, September 2004.
  9. N. Reed, Requirements for Transferring Information Between Security Domains in a BrowserBased Web Environment, MP 03B0000039, September 2003 .
  10. Charles Maney, Security Issues When Data Traverses Information Domains: Do Guards Effectively Address the Problem?, SANS Institute, May 2004.
  11. Chris Daly, "Patterns for Cross Do-main Information Sharing", IBM, pp. 16-44, 2006.
  12. T.R. Gruber, "A Translation Approach to Portable Ontology Specifications," Knowledge Acquisition, vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 199-220, June 1993.
  13. J. Fenn, Y. Natis, J. Sinur, A.Linden, The Integrated Enterprise From 2003 to 2012, Gartner Research Note SPA-18-8139, page 3, December 2002.
  14. Michel W. Focke, SAGETM(Standard Automated Guard Envirorunent) Technical Overview, BAE Systems.
  15. Boyd Fletcher, Chris Roberts, Kurt Risser, The Design and Implementation of a Guard Installation and Administratration Framework, USJFCOM J9 & SPA WAR Systems Center San Diego, General Dynamics, Dataline, Rev 1.0, 26 Jan 2007.
  16. Jack Eller, Mike Mastrorocco, Barry C. Stauffer, The DoD Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process(DITSCAP), DISA, Computer Security Consulting, CORBETT Technologies, July 1996.
  17. "DISN Connection Process Guide", Version 2.0, DISN Connection Approval Division / NSC, DISA Eagle Center for Technology, June 2009.