의류상품 구매후기를 읽는 동기와 인터넷 점포 고객 유형화

Motives for Reading Reviews of Apparel Product in Online Stores and Classification of Online Store Shoppers

  • 투고 : 2011.07.13
  • 심사 : 2011.12.28
  • 발행 : 2012.03.31


This study identified the types of motives for reading consumer reviews of apparel products for online stores and classified shoppers into the groups based on motives. Data were collected from eleven Korean women by a focus group interview and from 313 females by an online survey. Respondents were in their 20s' and 30s' with significant experience reading consumer reviews of apparel products for online stores. The seven motives found by interviews were reduced to four types of motives by factor analysis: Right product choice and judgment of product value, risk reduction, saving time and money, and fun/killing time. The motive for the right product choice and judgment of product value was the highest and the motive for fun/killing time was the lowest. Consumers were classified into four groups based on motives: Utilitarian shoppers (25.8%), shopping-task oriented shoppers (36.8%), multiple-motive shoppers (19.7%), and moderate-motive shoppers (17.7%). There were significant differences among age groups and the amount of reading reviews posted on a product and the duration of reading reviews for online stores. In addition, managerial implications were developed.



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