Chinese Patterns of University-Industry Collaboration

  • Chen, Xiangdong (School of Economics & Management, Beihang University) ;
  • Yang, Jian-An (The Educational Research Center, Ministry of Education) ;
  • Park, Hyun-Woo (Korea Insitute of Science and Technology Information)
  • Published : 2012.05.01


This paper deals with university - industry collaboration movement in China in recent years. By summarizing related development background in Government-Industry-University framework, the paper specifies Chinese pattern through analysis of technology transfer between universities and industries, collaborative R&D between universities and industries in practical fields, and university-run high-tech companies, especially through analysis of joint patenting between universities and their industrial partners in China. The research provides clear picture of Chinese universities' increased development with industrial entities in comprehensive and wider technology fields.



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Cited by

  1. Scientific Research Collaboration between University and Industrial Firm in China : An Analysis of the Co-authored Articles Published in SCI Journals vol.37, pp.1, 2013,