복합쇼핑센터의 공간스토리텔링 특성 비교 연구 - 사례조사를 중심으로 -

A Comparative Study on the Characteristic of Space Storytelling in the Mixed-Use Shopping Center - Based on the Case Study -

  • 투고 : 2012.05.31
  • 발행 : 2012.11.25


The purpose of the study was to compare and analyze the storytelling contents applied to the mixed-use shopping centers through comparing space storytelling properties. Five shopping centers were selected for the survey. They included the story contents and were located at the Metropolitan area of Seoul. The study was to discussion on the meaning of storytelling by the literature, fix a conception and components of space storytelling, compare the components how to be applied to each mixed-use shopping centers, and come to a conclusion to discuss the storytelling properties of the mixed-use shopping centers. The results of this study were as follows; Firstly the contents of space storytelling was composed of theme and plot that was a composite of continuous and independent scene. Secondly the expression of space storytelling reflected the properties of the space storytelling through space direction such as experience, playfulness, information, connection, and personalization. It was useful for expressing the space storytelling properties to apply the object for playfulness, information, connection, and personalization, synesthesia for information, and connection, visual media for information, scale for playfulness, and play for experience. In terms of details regarding the expression all cases included experience by participation, playfulness by formative stimulus, information by digital, and connection by continuous scene and organic relationship.



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