Determination of double-K fracture parameters of concrete using split-tension cube test

  • Kumar, Shailendra (Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University)) ;
  • Pandey, S.R. (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2010.08.06
  • 심사 : 2011.04.06
  • 발행 : 2012.02.28


This paper presents development of double-K fracture model for the split-tension cube specimen for determining the unstable fracture toughness and initial cracking toughness of concrete. There are some advantages of using of split-tension cube test like compactness and lightness over the existing specimen geometries in practice such as three-point bend test, wedge splitting test and compact tension specimen. The cohesive toughness of the material is determined using weight function having four terms for the split-tension cube specimen. Some empirical relations are also suggested for determining geometrical factors in order to calculate stress intensity factor and crack mouth opening displacement for the same specimen. The results of double-K fracture parameters of split-tension cube specimen are compared with those obtained for compact tension specimen. Finally, the influence of the width of the load-distribution of split-tension cube specimen on the double-K fracture parameters for laboratory size specimens is investigated. The input data required for determining double-K fracture parameters for both the specimen geometries are obtained using well known version of the Fictitious Crack Model.



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