근전도 신호기반 손목 움직임의 추정을 위한 다중 특징점 추출 기법 알고리즘

Improvements of Multi-features Extraction for EMG for Estimating Wrist Movements

  • 투고 : 2012.02.09
  • 심사 : 2012.04.23
  • 발행 : 2012.05.01


In this paper, the multi feature extraction algorithm for estimation of wrist movements based on Electromyogram(EMG) is proposed. For the extraction of precise features from the EMG signals, the difference absolute mean value(DAMV), the mean absolute value(MAV), the root mean square(RMS) and the difference absolute standard deviation value(DASDV) to consider amplitude characteristic of EMG signals are used. We figure out a more accurate feature-set by combination of two features out of these, because of multi feature extraction algorithm is more precise than single feature method. Also, for the motion classification based on EMG, the linear discriminant analysis(LDA), the quadratic discriminant analysis(QDA) and k-nearest neighbor(k-NN) are used. We implemented a test targeting twenty adult male to identify the accuracy of EMG pattern classification of wrist movements such as up, down, right, left and rest. As a result of our study, the LDA, QDA and k-NN classification method using feature-set with MAV and DASDV showed respectively 87.59%, 89.06%, 91.75% accuracy.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Wrist and Grasping Forces Estimation using Electromyography for Robotic Prosthesis vol.12, pp.2, 2017,