가상세계에서의 건강증진교육의 개념분석

Health Promotion Education In A Virtual World: A Concept Analysis

  • De Gagnea, Jennie C. (School of Nursing, Duke University) ;
  • Oh, Jin-A (Department of Nursing, North Carolina Central University)
  • 투고 : 2011.11.16
  • 심사 : 2012.04.13
  • 발행 : 2012.04.30


Purpose: Virtual worlds are emerging in health care as an innovative way of helping clients take responsibility for and promote their own care. Yet, the concept of health promotion education in this environment has not been elucidated. Therefore, we undertook a concept analysis to discover the underlying attributes and contextual basis to generate a conceptual understanding of virtual worlds in the context of health promotion education. Methods: Using Rodgers' evolutionary view of concept development, we analyzed literature on virtual worlds that describe their use to discover critical attributes, antecedents, and consequences of this phenomenon. Eleven studies matching inclusion criteria were reviewed. Results: Analysis of the literature highlighted three areas of important domains: user, simulated environment, and education. This concept analysis extends our understanding of a virtual world for health promotion education. Conclusion: This study may help anticipate future trends in the use of virtual worlds in the context of health promotion education, serving as a stepping-stone for further research on this aspect of the study. The next step should focus on the development of an evaluation tool that can measure the factors identified in this analysis to determine their effects on outcomes and environmental interactions.



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