Development of Collaborative Process Warehouse for Analyzing Performance of Manufacturing Collaboration

제조협업 성과분석을 위한 협업 프로세스 웨어하우스 개발

  • Kim, Kyu-Ri (Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Kim, Ae-Kyung (Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Kim, Sang-Kuk (Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Jung, Jae-Yoon (Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Kyung Hee University)
  • 김규리 (경희대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 김애경 (경희대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 김상국 (경희대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 정재윤 (경희대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • Received : 2011.12.09
  • Accepted : 2012.02.06
  • Published : 2012.03.01


Most manufacturing companies participate in various types of active collaboration to enhance competitive advantages in their arenas. In this paper, we introduce a data warehouse system that is designed for manufacturing collaboration. Just as enterprise information systems, collaboration support systems also need functions of performance measurement and monitoring. For this reason, we devise a new approach to measuring and evaluating performance of manufacturing collaboration. Specifically, we first present a concept of process warehouses for manufacturing collaboration. Next, we design a data schema of collaborative process warehouses to store and monitor collaboration performances. Finally, we implement a prototype system to support performance management of manufacturing collaboration. The proposed system can be used to effectively maintain and continuously improve collaboration in manufacturing industry.



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