To protect aquatic animal health of importing countries from the potential risks associated with exotic diseases introduced through international trade of live aquatic animals, inspection of designated commodities at ports of entry is a critical component of the safeguarding system. The only way to be 100% confident that no fishes in a shipment are infected with a specific agent is to test every fish in the commodity imported with a perfect diagnostic test. For the majority of cases, this is unrealistic since the group of interest may very large particularly for aquatic animals, or imperfect tests are often available. It is, therefore, more common to test a fixed proportion of a group by preplanned sampling schemes. However, decision making based on results of testing the sample can provide quite a chance that infected groups may be misclassified as uninfected, depending on sampling strategy employed. The objective of this study was to determine the possibility that one or more fishes in the group imported being infected but tests negative after inspecting samples. This question is critical to government authorities to examine whether sampling plan is sufficient to achieve the purpose intended for. At fixed population size, the maximum number of infected fishes when all tests negative was decreased as the sampling fraction increased. The probability of including at least one undetected but infected fish in a group for negative tests increased with the number of fish tested or true prevalence. The risk was much lesser where high sensitivity test was assumed; when increasing test sensitivity from 0.9 to 0.99, this risk was dramatically reduced to about a tenth or a fourth for prevalence ranges from 2 to 10%, given sample size ranges from 10 to 200. Based on the preliminary analysis, the author concluded that current sampling plan testing 4-8% of the import proposal for human consumption still can yield high false negative results. Therefore, from the quarantine inspection point of view, an enforced commodity-specific sampling design that accounts for the cost of testing with an imperfect test at the specified design prevalence is urgent.